Hit the ground running with your Django REST Framework API
2018-05-27 , 🏰

Creating an API for a working e-commerce in 90 minutes? That sounds ambitious!

Join this workshop and let's do it together!

A workshop to get you started building API's with Django, Django REST Framework and DRF-Schema-Adapter.

Basic knowledge of Django models is required but knowledge of Django REST framework is not required to attend.

During this workshop, we will build together an API to handle products, customers and orders.

The topics covered will include:

  • Basic CRUD
  • Ordering, searching & filtering
  • Pagination
  • Basic workflows (like order confirmation or marking an order as shipped)
  • Basic permissions

Long-time pythonista, Django fan, co-maintainer and co-author of DRF-Schema-Adapter.

I am from Belgium and have been involved in open-source at different levels for a bit more than a decade now.

One of the things I enjoy the most is sharing knowledge with others. And this is why I enjoy writing tutorials as well as giving talks and workshops.

I'm a young junior developper who particulary love Django and EmberJS for writing my code.
I also am co-founder of LevIT a small company in Belgium.