Writing pylint plugins for Django
2018-05-26 , 🏰

Pylint is the most popular Python source code analyzer which looks for programming errors, helps enforce a coding standard and sniffs for some code smells. It is possible to write plugins to add your own checks, for example coding patterns that you have observed inside your software and are generally a bad practice or rules which you would like to enforce inside of a particular project, e.g. class name and inheritance conventions.

This workshop will focus on understanding how a pylint plugin works, how to examine the AST tree of a piece of code and create a minimalistic plugin from scratch.

Alex is an open source Quality Assurance engineer with over 11 years background in Linux and Python. He's the second most active contributor to Cosmic-Ray, a mutation testing framework for Python and involved in several Django projects:

Alex is also very active in various communities in Bulgaria, teaching students and mentoring young engineers! He is also a frequent public speaker on various topics related to software testing and open source. You can find more about him at atodorov.org!