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Unnamed user
  • Physical Health offering
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Akos Hochrein

Akos is a former technical lead and senior software engineer on the BIO team in Prezi. His job involves designing and delivering solutions to millions of users every day, building a successful engineering team and petting all the dogs in the office. In his free time, he is enthusiastic about education and chatbots.

  • An ODe to OAuth
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Alessio Bragadini

A web developer and Agile practitioner/coach that has worked with remote teams for most of his career. Currently living in Milan and working with a team based in Berlin.

  • Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Survival tricks and tools for remote developers
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Alexander Todorov

Alex is an open source Quality Assurance engineer with over 11 years background in Linux and Python. He's the second most active contributor to Cosmic-Ray, a mutation testing framework for Python and involved in several Django projects:

  • Kiwi TCMS - project lead;
  • django-s3-cache - author
  • django-chartit - current maintainer
  • pylint-django - co-maintainer
  • pylint - contributor
  • django-tinymce - contributor
  • pylint-django - co-maintainer

Alex is also very active in various communities in Bulgaria, teaching students and mentoring young engineers! He is also a frequent public speaker on various topics related to software testing and open source. You can find more about him at!

  • Writing pylint plugins for Django
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Andrew Godwin

Andrew is a member of the Django core team, and has been working with Django since 2007, on projects such as South, Django Migrations, and Channels. He works at Eventbrite as a Senior Software Engineer.

When he's not writing open source or travelling around the world speaking about it, he enjoys flying light aircraft, archery, electronics, and developing games.

  • Taking Channels Async
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Anna-Livia Gomart

Anna-Livia is a developper who believes that through elegant interaction design we can enhance decision making.
In her spare time, she collects office supplies and makes motivational posters for her D&D character.

  • It's not a bug, it's a bias
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Anssi Kääriäinen

Anssi Kääriäinen has been a significant contributor and a Core Developer of Django ORM since 2012. Anssi has over 10 years of experience in systems design and implementation and he is an expert in optimising software to be faster for end users. Anssi holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. Since 2016 he has worked as the Lead Developer at a Finnish fintech company Holvi. Anssi’s specialty is his capability to do design from both technical and user requirements points of view - he understands what customers want from a functionality point of view and knows how to implement these within the product. He believes in making reliable and simple software to solve complex problems to the end user. Anssi is a big fan of open source - especially Django and PostgreSQL database system.

  • Banking with Django - how to not lose your customer's money
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Brenton Cleeland

I'm a web developer based out of Melbourne, Australia. Currently a consultant with Thoughtworks.

I spend my spare time building tiny Django (and Python) apps to automate things that annoy me.

  • Test Driven Django (Again!)
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Carlton Gibson

I'm the new Django Fellow, core-team member on Django REST Framework and maintainer of Django Filter and others. Whilst some play Pokemon Go, I play GitHub.

Husband and father of four. I like cooking, hats, and philosophy. (Not sure on the order there.)

  • Growing old gracefully: on being a career programmer.
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Chaim Kirby

15 year software dev working primarily with django since 2011.
My career has primarily centered on the intersection of medical research and software, including automated reporting of mandated reportable disease based on EMR data, a novel disease-outbreak surveillance system, diabetes research software utilizing social networking, clinical patient care communication and workflow tools, an international disease research registry, and fMRI analysis and interpretation tool.

  • A different Form of navigation
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Christopher Grebs

Web Engineer at Mozilla working on Add-ons and AMO primarily with Python, Django and JavaScript

  • Slow Food Digests Better - or how to maintain a 8.5 year old Python project without getting lost
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Daniele Procida
  • Keynote: The naïve programmer
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Daniel Hepper

Daniel Hepper is an independent software developer, consultant, and trainer with a focus on web development with Python and Django. He has a degree in Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe and has been writing software professionally for over 15 years. His clients range from self-funded startups to international corporations. He enjoys sharing his experiences and helping developers level up their software development skills.

  • Behind the curtain - How Django handles a request
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DjangoCon Europe Crew
  • Guten Morgen
  • Guten Morgen
  • Guten Morgen
  • Registration
  • Social Event
  • Lightning Talks II
  • Lightning Talks III
  • Intro to Sprints
  • Auf Wiedersehen
  • Lightning Talks I
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Emma Gordon
  • Keynote: Writing Code? Pfft... Evolve it Instead!
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Emmanuelle Delescolle

Long-time pythonista, Django fan, co-maintainer and co-author of DRF-Schema-Adapter.

I am from Belgium and have been involved in open-source at different levels for a bit more than a decade now.

One of the things I enjoy the most is sharing knowledge with others. And this is why I enjoy writing tutorials as well as giving talks and workshops.

  • Hit the ground running with your Django REST Framework API
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Iacopo Spalletti

Founder/CTO @NephilaIT - django CMS core dev - Djangonaut - @DjangoConEurope 2017 organizer. I love python, but I tinker with any piece of technology at hand. I like to build and release things, experiment, achieve spectacular failures and sometimes useful successes.
I like to speak and organizing conferences and meetups.
When not coding, you can find me on the stool of the local pub mumbling about yeast and hops.

  • Building real time applications with Django
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Jacob Rief

After graduating from the University of Innsbruck in CS and Physics, Jacob worked for different companies as a system architect and software developer, where he built and scaled websites in Perl, PHP and Javascript. After dealing with a lot of unmaintainable and poorly written code, Jacob fell in love with Python and Django and hasn’t looked back since. Jacob is a strong believer in sharing knowledge and maintains a dozen of quite popular OSS project on his GitHub account.

  • Representing Hierarchies in Relational Databases
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Jakob Schnell

maths and computer science student. current habitat: milan. fumbling around with django and web and stuff since two years

  • Automated spell-checking in Django projects
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Jessica Upani

Undergraduate student at the University of Namibia. She works part time as a high school teacher. She has done a lot of work locally organizing Python and Django workshops through Python Namibia Society, Django Girls, Women in Computing society.

  • Organizing Conferences For Learners: How we did it in Namibia
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Julie Qiu

Julie is an engineering manager at Spring. She has lead projects to improve search performance, personalize the user shopping experience, and ingest real time product updates at scale. She graduated from Yale University with a degree in Cognitive Science and currently lives in New York City.

  • Strategies to Edit Production Data
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Katie McLaughlin

Katie has worn many different hats over the years. She has been a software developer for many languages, systems administrator for multiple operating systems, and speaker on many different topics.

When she's not changing the world, she enjoys making tapestries, cooking, and seeing just how well various application stacks handle emoji.

  • ORM: The Sequel
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Lacey Williams Henschel

Lacey Williams Henschel is a developer with REVSYS and part of the organizing team for DjangoCon US. In the past, she's chaired DjangoCon US, organized several Django Girls workshops, taught courses for Treehouse, and written about accessibility at tech events. Previously, she's spoken at DjangoCon Europe, DjangoCon US, Postgres Open, ACT-W, PyDX, and Django Birthday.

  • An Intro to Docker for Djangonauts
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Leila Verhaegen

I'm a young junior developper who particulary love Django and EmberJS for writing my code.
I also am co-founder of LevIT a small company in Belgium.

  • Hit the ground running with your Django REST Framework API
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Lilly Ryan

Lilly Ryan is an historian, systems engineer, security analyst, and privacy activist.
She consults on identity and access management systems, security architecture, and software delivery, gives public lectures on ethics and the security mindset, and provides what she calls “Paranoia as a Service".
She is always up for a conversation about greyhounds.

  • Don't Look Back in Anger: Wildman Whitehouse and the Great Failure of 1858
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Lindsey Dragun

Lindsey Dragun (drag-uh n) is a tech evangelist and former full-stack developer, who transitioned into tech after earning an MA in International Peace & Conflict Resolution. They have a passion for accessibility across tech and teaching others how to better improve the usability of their applications. In their spare time, Lindsey plays video games, volunteers with local tech meetups, and will go out of their way to pet a dog.

  • Accessibility Matters: Creating a Better Web
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Mariana Bedran Lesche

I'm a Python developer with a heart in human sciences. Everything I know about programing I learned from the Python and Free Software communities. My goal now is giving back some of that knowledge and warm welcoming I've been receiving all that time. I'm also a feminist very proud of the resistance and inclusion efforts we've been able to build in our community.

  • Making smarter queries with advanced ORM resources
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Markus Holtermann

Markus is a Django core developer since early 2015 with a particular focus on the migrations framework. He discovered Python and Django in 2010 with Markus currently lives in Berlin and works as a backend developer at LaterPay GmbH.

  • On The Look-Out For Your Data
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Markus Zapke-Gründemann

Open Source software developer using Python, Django and JavaScript. CTO at PicturePipe. Code for Leipzig, Leipzig Python User Group and Deutscher Django-Verein member.

  • Can packaging improve Django deployments?
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Patrick Arminio

Chair @ Python Italia, working as Full Stack Developer @ Stink Studios

  • GraphQL in Python and Django
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Rachel Willmer

Rachel has been working at the “bleeding edge” of technology for more
than 3 decades, as a programmer, network engineer, manager, startup
founder. She remains insatiably curious about how today’s new technology
gives birth to tomorrow’s new business opportunity.

She is currently under contract with the Scottish Government as an
Infrastructure Engineer, but also finds time for Luzme, the ebook search
site which she developed. Technical interests include Django (of
course!), real-time data and process automation.

  • Keynote: 23 Years Without A Proper Job
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Raphael Michel
  • Guten Morgen
  • Guten Morgen
  • Guten Morgen
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Rivo Laks
  • Creating Solid APIs
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Russell Keith-Magee

Dr Russell Keith-Magee is a 12 year veteran of the Django core team, and for 5 years, was President of the Django Software Foundation. He's also the founder of the BeeWare project, developing GUI tools to support the development of Python software. He lives in Perth, Western Australia with his wife, two children, and two animals that claim to be cats but have almost no feline properties.

  • It's about time
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Sara Heins

Sara is a self-taught web developer from Kansas City, USA. She currently is the Program Director of Django Girls KC, and is heavily involved in her community's efforts to bring more women into technology. When she's not programming or running a workshop, Sara enjoys learning new things, wandering through the wilderness and attempting to live a sustainable lifestyle.

  • Want More Women in Tech? Start with Django Girls
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Tobias Kunze

A biography

  • Guten Morgen
  • Guten Morgen
  • Guten Morgen
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Will Hardy

Australian Software Engineer with a law degree.

I've been building sites with Django for around 12 years, freelancing in Berlin. I preferred building software to becoming a lawyer, but was always wondering about a way to make use of the law degree. The EU's new General Data Protection Regulation has now made me slightly more useful.

  • Protecting Personal Data with Django (because it's the law)